community carbon


The Kilimanjaro Project is funded and supported by TNC
(The Nature Conservancy) Africa Forest Carbon Catalyst and the TNC Global Carbon Markets Team. TNC provided both financial and technical support to complete a feasibility study for our community carbon project.

The Kilimanjaro Project has partnered with TIST (The International Small Group & Tree Planting Program) to develop what is currently called the TIST DIY carbon model, that will allow TIST’s 20+ years of experiences to be shared, replicated and scaled. The models, tools and methodologies we are fine tuning will be open sourced and available for other restoration and community carbon projects.

Our mission is to create a model for scale and acceleration, connecting 1000s of smallholder farmers to global carbon markets, ensuring high integrity of our carbon credits.


We believe carbon markets are an important financial mechanism with the ability to unlock the much needed long term finance to fairly compensate communities to protect and restore their ecosystems. However, in order to save the planet we need to look beyond carbon to other increasingly important land use value systems and community needs.

Type Premium / High Quality Carbon / TIST DIY Certificate
Project Area Pangani Basin - Tanzania
Pilot Area Kilimanjaro Region, The Rooftop of Africa
Co-Benefits Biodiversity, livelihoods creation, food security, water stewardship
Interventions Afforestation, Restoration, Revegetation
Status Feasibility Complete: funded by The Nature Conservancy -
African Forest Carbon Catalyst (TNC-AFCC)
Overall Project Size 5.8million tCOsq / 20 years of planting
Intended Certification VCS CCB or PlanVivo

Riparian Zone Restoration
Protection of
Endemic Species
Creation through
forest products
value chains

Interested in carbon and biodiversity credits:

We can provide our feasibility documents and investor prospectus

our trusted carbon partners