prioria msoo

The Prioria msoo, a once proud and plentiful riverine tree found almost exclusively in Kilimanjaro with few known species in Kenya, now teeters on the brink of extinction. Local scientists working on Kilimanjaro estimate that fewer than 70 mother trees remain.

This majestic, slow growing tree grows to a height of approx. 40m, takes 70-100 years to reach maturity and bear fruit, then only sparingly releases seeds every 5-7 years. Sadly, the decline of the Prioria msoo population is largely due to the effects of deforestation and habitat destruction, leaving this once prolific species fighting for survival.

To address the decline of the Prioria msoo, conservation efforts have started.

In 2022 The Kilimanjaro Project found four seeding mother trees and managed to collect over 150 kg of seeds, from which we have more than 10,000 Prioria msoo seedlings propagating in our nursery.

These 10,000 trees will be auctioned and sold in a campaign that will launch in 2024

Would you like to adopt a tree? OR sponsor the global campaign?

Download our brochure to find out more


Adopt A Prioria msoo

Make a commitment to saving the Prioria Msoo and restoring it’s habitat. Donate through the portal below and you will receive an initial geotag of your tree.

Adopt a Prioria tree at 100 USD each

Personal Info


Donation Total: $100.00

  • The Kilimanjaro Project aims to restore degraded forests (Kahe 1 and Kahe 2) to save the Prioria msoo and its habitat.
  • Awareness campaigns will also educate and engage local communities in Kilimanjaro to protect and restore their ecosystems.
  • Each year, we’ll send you an annual update with a newsletter, project video and an additional geotag and photograph your tree progress.

About the Prioria msoo at a glance

Name Prioria msoo (previously Oxystigma msoo)
Common Names: Commonly referred to oxystigma, still.
Height: 40-50m
Bark: The bark is a source of dye. Bark and seeds are said to be poisonous.
Location: Restricted to Tanzania and Kenya. Found mainly in evergreen riverine forests.
Uses/ Threats Firewood, timber, boat/canoe building, construction.
Preferred altitude: 640 - 1,260 m
Endangered? Yes - listed as “Vulnerable” on the IUCN Red List of Endangered Species, although this has not been updated since 1998. It is now believed we can only find 50-70 specimens in all of Kenya and Tanzania Years to maturity/seeding: 70-100 years.
Seed Storage Behavior: Intermediate
Habitat: Ground-water forest 640–1260 m.